Krish Wu

A Portfolio

Krish Wu Hero

Who is Krish Wu?

I'm Krish Wu, a high schooler with a passion for programming and technology. I have worked with Java, Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, and more. Through my involvement in FRC (FIRST Robotics Competition), I've gained hands-on experience with robotics. As an Eagle Scout, dedicated student, and member of my school's Junior Class Council, I always strive for excellence and maintain a positive role in my leadership positions and responsibilities. I also have a keen interest in 3D printing, where I explore innovative possibilities. Recently I have also reached out into the music production world to create songs of my own. With a combination of technical skills, creativity, and a drive for continuous learning, I'm excited to make my mark in the programming and music production world.

Does he also program?

In my six years of programming experience, I have developed a deep understanding and proficiency in various languages, including Java, Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, and more. Beyond programming languages, I have also gained extensive experience in hosting servers, working with Arduino and Raspberry Pi, and exploring the realms of coding, robotics, and web development. From crafting dynamic websites to building complex robotic systems, my journey has been marked by continuous exploration and growth. I have also built a 3D Printer that I have worked with since I was 12 to bring my cadded inventions to life. With each project, I strive to push boundaries, innovate, and deliver high-quality solutions. Programming is not just a skill; it's a passion that fuels my desire to create, solve problems, and make a lasting impact in the digital world.

Does he produce music?

Well sort of... I'm learning how to produce music. Specifically using Logic Pro to make EDM, rap, and some other genres of music. I hope to have a bigger portfolio in the future, but I am having fun learning, and am looking forward to progressing more and more. Producing music is an exciting hobby that I hope to make an impact in.

Where is his resume?

Here it is! View it here or click the button in the bottom right of the viewport to view it full screen.

My Projects

Cool Chat!

A real time web based chat app with sign-in-with-Google support using Firebase made in React.

Project image.

Volleyball Wins

A real time web based score keeper for local volleyball games using Firebase made in React.

Project image.


A fun singleplayer web-based game similar to Wordle but with 10 letter words made in React.

Project image.


(This Website)

A portfolio website for yours truly made to display my previous projects using React in Next.JS.

Project image.

Contact Me

email: [email protected]

instagram DM: @krishwu_

Made with ❤️ by Krish Wu